Political-ideological and pedagogical conceptions of the participants of the 4th ENESEB


  • Leandro Raizer Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Daniel Gustavo Mocelin Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




The article presents the results of a survey conducted with the participants of the 4th National Meeting on the Teaching of Sociology in Basic Education (ENESEB) held in 2015. The analysis includes the profile of the participants, pedagogical as well political and ideological conceptions, perceptions about the purpose of sociology in high school, and the difficulties and challenges for the qualification of the discipline. The results point to the existence of a heterogeneous profile, as well as significant differences in educational and political views among teachers of Basic Education and Higher Education, as well as students of Social Sciences. Major difficulties that were highlighted are the lack of teaching materials and their unsuitability for the teaching of the discipline as well as the lack of legitimacy vis-à-vis traditional disciplines; on the other hand, the low percentage of teachers with a university degree in Social Sciences and the need to qualify the teaching of the discipline appear as major challenges. Finally, despite the heterogeneous profile and different pedagogical and political views that were mapped, particularly the pragmatic and emancipatory ones, the survey reveals the existence of a consensus on the important role of the National Curriculum Guidelines (OCNS) for the qualification of the teaching of sociology as a discipline.

Keywords: teaching sociology, high school, didactic and education.

Author Biographies

Leandro Raizer, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Leandro Raizer é professor e pesquisador na área de sociologia, com ênfase em sociologia da educação e ensino de sociologia. Doutor em Sociologia (UFRGS/Université de Montréal), é professor do Departamennto de Ensino e Currículo da FACED/UFRGS. Vem atuando como membro da Comissão Nacional de Ensino da SBS desde 2006 e atua como pesquisador nos seguintes grupos: GEU (Grupo de Estudos Sobre Universidade/UFRGS), e Laboratório Virtual de Ensino em Ciências Sociais (LAVIEVS/UFRGS). E-mail: leandroraizer@gmail.com.

Daniel Gustavo Mocelin, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Daniel Gustavo Mocelin é sociólogo, Doutor (2011) e Mestre em Sociologia (2006) e Bacharel (2002) e Licenciado (2008) em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Exerce o cargo de Professor Adjunto na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), lotado no Departamento de Sociologia do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH). É professor do quadro permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia da UFRGS e pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa Sociedade, Economia e Trabalho (GPSET/UFRGS/DGPB-CNPq). É coordenador do LAVIECS/UFRGS (Laboratório Virtual e Interativo de Ensino de Ciências Sociais).





Dossiê: Ensino de Sociologia na Educação Básica – ENESEB2015