Displaced persons from Haiti: South American intraregional mobility and compulsory measures in Brazil and Chile



This paper analyzes the compulsory measures adopted by Brazil and Chile in processes of expulsion of migrants. The particular case of Haitian migration is studied, and what its implications have been at the judicial level, through a case study highlighting what have been the criteria and standards applied by the immigration authorities of both countries. In relation to the procedure to be adopted, it is observed that through qualitative research it will be possible to account for the different representations on the subject under study, without neglecting the quantitative method, as it will contribute to the evaluation and categorization of contained data in government information databases, such as data from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security of Brazil, the National Institute of Statistics and the Judiciary of Chile, and the Institute of Public Policies and Human Rights of Mercosur, with the elaboration of a diagnosis of the displacement of Haitians in South American countries, with special emphasis on the migratory realities of Haitians in Brazil and Chile. In the same way, the research includes the analysis of decisions adopted by the Superior Courts of Justice of Chile and Brazil, as well as the documentary and bibliographic survey, especially articles from specialized international magazines on the subject. In addition, the existing laws and public policies in Chile and Brazil, the conventions, protocols and other international instruments that help to better understand the reality studied will be consulted.

Key words: Brazil. Chile. Haitian Migration. Compulsive measures.

Author Biographies

Joseane Mariéle Schuck Pinto, Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público RS

Doutoranda e Mestre pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (foi bolsista CAPES/PROSUC). Especialista em Relações Internacionais e Diplomacia e Graduada em Direito pela mesma Universidade. Graduanda em Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário Internacional/PR. Advogada e professora de graduação junto a Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público (FMP), na área de Direito Internacional e Globalização. 

Rodrigo Ríos Álvarez, Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile.

Magíster en Derecho con Mención en Derecho Público y Abogado de la Universidad de Chile. Profesor de Derecho Procesal Penal y Litigación Oral, Universidad Finis Terrae.

