Gender violence in rural areas: The Santana do Livramento (Brazil) case


  • Cassiane da Costa Professora Adjunta da UERGS, unidade Santana do Livramento
  • Martha Giudice Narvaz Professora Adjunta da UERGS, unidade Bagé
  • Kelly Camargo Acadêmica de Agronomia na UERGS, unidade Santana do Livramento



Gender violence shows itself intensely in different realities. In rural areas, it presents particular characteristics, which need to be studied more deeply as there are still very few studies on this context in Brazil. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to study gender violence in the countryside of Santana do Livramento (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil), discussing alternatives to combat it. Twelve interviews were carried out with rural women who suffered violence, rural residents and representatives of organizations which deal with such issue in the town. Nine rounds of talks were also carried out on the issue with college Agrarian Sciences students and with rural residents from the town. During the research, many cases of violence were reported in the countryside area, but most were not alleged, showing how serious the problem is. The interviewed women who had suffered some type of violence from their husbands took many years to end their relationships and they still have psychological consequences from this past. Rural women who suffer violence can count on a support network in town, which is essential, although some improvement is still necessary in the structural scope and in the integration of the work.

Keywords: gender violence, rural woman, support network.

Author Biographies

Cassiane da Costa, Professora Adjunta da UERGS, unidade Santana do Livramento

Doutora em Extensão Rural pela UFSM, com tese sobre gênero; Profa. Adjunta em Desenvolvimento Rural da UERGS, unidade Santana do Livramento.

Martha Giudice Narvaz, Professora Adjunta da UERGS, unidade Bagé

Psicóloga, Especialista na área da violência doméstica, Doutora em Psicologia pela UFRGS; Professora da UERGS, unidade Bagé. Coordena o Grupo de Pesquisa Gênero e Diversidades

Kelly Camargo, Acadêmica de Agronomia na UERGS, unidade Santana do Livramento

Acadêmica de Agronomia naUERGS unidade Santana do Livrament; Bolsista do Programa PROEX MEC Pedagogias da Igualdade




