The creative economy and the new economic agenda: The meaning of a classificatory approach to a contemporary phenomenon


  • Rodrigo Campos Dilelio Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



The economic sociology related to the multidimensional approach to social reality has allowed Brazilian researchers to have a better understanding of the establishment of new markets for the circulation of cultural goods and services. The production of these goods has led to government actions such as printing new classifications of economic activities, promoting the articulation of these sectors and making available incentives (credit lines and tax benefits) targeted at their structuring. Thus, among the so-called “creative industries” there are companies based on organizational models designed for electronic business transactions, promoting new socio-economic implications and transformations in sociability. The study aims to point out empirical evidence of the occurrence of this phenomenon, taking into account the development of a new economy based on enterprises that adopt the principle of collaboration as part of the management of creativity in the production processes.

Keywords: creative economy, creative industries, market of technological goods and services.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Campos Dilelio, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Sociólogo, graduado em Ciências Sociais pela UFRGS. Atualmente compõe o corpo de estudantes pesquisadores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia na mesma universidade. Integra a coordenação editorial da Revista Contraponto (ISSN: 2358-3541) editada pelos discentes do referido programa. Atua no grupo de pesquisa "Sociedade e Economia" na condição de mestrando, onde participou de investigações sobre o fenômeno da Economia Criativa (2014), novos processos de desenvolvimento econômico em Porto Alegre (2013), e a influência empresarial na política de desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul (2012).

