Competition and digitization: the expansion of cultural-digital services - the cases of Netflix, Disney and Apple


  • Elder P. Maia Alves Professor Associado II do Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL). Membro do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS/ICS/UFAL). Coordenador do Observatório da Economia Criativa e Economia do Turismo do Estado de Alagoas (OBECT-AL).



This work investigates the process of competition between some of the most important technology companies in the world, which created business models aimed at the cultural-digital services market - series, movies, games, music, books and animation. It is a process of global scope and great economic, technological and creative impact, which has been refashioning the cultural markets through the intense process of digitalization and corporate action. To analyze these aspects, two methodological and analytical strategies were adopted simultaneously along the text. The first one sought to use the concepts of digitalization of the symbolic and cultural-digital capitalism, both of which are woven into other works and research that combine a broader research agenda, whose efforts are engaged in the realization of an economic sociology of cultural markets. The second was to explore the latest economic decisions and commercial and creative strategies adopted by the Netflix, Disney and Apple companies, as well as to update data on the expansion of consumption of digital artistic-cultural content, especially in Brazil.





Dossiê: A sociologia econômica e os novos temas globais