The good living: An axiological perspective


  • Natalia Doukh Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales



Although the theoretical developments carried out around the concept of Good Living are effective in criticizing and denouncing the dominant logic, they have not yet succeeded in generating a more consistent and autonomous knowledge. This article proposes an axiological scale of Good Living, built from conceptual developments, carried out from different publics. The contrast of different approaches – constitutional, ancestral and western – leads to identify the value architecture of Good Living, constituted by the fundamental values of biocentrism, prevalence of the collective over the individual, extreme justice and non-opulence.

Keywords: Good Living, conceptual construction, values.

Author Biography

Natalia Doukh, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales

Economista, master en Planificación del Desarrolo Nacional por la Universidad Estatal de Donietsk, Ucrania. Egresada del doctorado Economía del Desarrollo de la Facualtad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-cede Ecuador

