Expectations of refugees in the tragedy of frontiers, the perception of the trajectory and the deafness of rights


  • Aloisio Ruscheinsky PPGCS - Unisinos
  • Corina Nicoleta Tulbure Universidad de Barcelona




The authors argue that a refugee camp is an exceptional space to put order in the tension, in the spatial and temporal dimensions. There are always multiple borders in refugee camps, whether between countries, cultures and languages, it is the crossing of goods and people. Paradoxically it is a temporary situation and a residence at the same time. From the methodological point of view, the field notebook and the interviews made it possible to learn about the test subjects living conditions, as they are actors within the constraints of their story. The article proposes to expose the voice of the refugees, their vision and the telling of the bumps in the path to Europe. The experience in the camps allows for an analysis of territory through the dissolution of previous social life and the expectation of new beginnings. What shapes the horizon of refugees is reaching fertile soil. Sociability is modeled on insecurity, denial, and depoliticizing humanitarian aid. In summary, a paradoxical space where nothing is taken for granted and everything is disputed.

Keywords: refugees, Europe, border, anthropology.

Author Biographies

Aloisio Ruscheinsky, PPGCS - Unisinos

1) professor do PPG em Ciências Sociais da Unisinos e doutor em Sociologia pela USP.

Corina Nicoleta Tulbure, Universidad de Barcelona

Rumana, doctora en la Universidad de Barcelona (2016), especializada en temas de inmigración, realiza un trabajo de análisis de discursos racistas en vista a los migrantes y colabora como periodista en varios periódicos.





