Beyond Mestizaje: anti-racism and cultural diversity in lula’s government


  • Sérgio Costa



This article examines the relationship between the two Lula administrations and indigenous and afro-descendant populations, considering two horizons of analysis: the insertion of Lula administrations in Brazilian nation building and its role for implementing rights established by the Constitution of 1988. From the ideological perspective, the article sustains that Lula´s administrations have clearly broken with the mestizaje discourse. Politically, Lula administrations have taken important efforts for implementing constitutional rights concerning equality and cultural diversity. However, advances in anti-racist politics are more evident than in the field of protection of indigenous rights. Often, indigenous issues - and above all their territorial rights - clashed with economic and political interests accommodated in the government and its parliamentary support causing moderation in Lula´s position.

Key words: anti-racism, cultural diversity, Brazilian politics.

