The Mercosur Parliament in its first phase: A preliminary analysis of the politic transnationalization in the Southern Cone


  • George Gomes Coutinho



The politics under the sign of globalization encounter in different locations of the world various forms of reaction, in central countries or in peripheral realities. This article discusses the Mercosur Parliament experience, situated in the Southern Cone, focusing these larger extension structural movements caused by the acceleration of the systemic-instrumental side of contemporary modernity. It is argued that this experience, in response to globalization, must be discussed related to the elements that distinguish the “negative modernity”, which includes the permanent difficulty of systemic-functional differentiation of its various subsystems. This fundamental point to describe the “negative modernity” is here mobilized as an explanatory factor for the difficulties of establishing a transnational parliament in the peripheral capitalism.

Key words: Mercosur parliament, globalization, negative modernity.

