Olinda/Brazil – Praia/Cape Verde: Photo-memories


  • Enno D. Liedke Filho Universidade de Cabo Verde




The three sets of photos presented here include images registered in the cities of Olinda (Brazil) and Praia (Cape Verde) in the between 2009-2010. Each set is preceded by an allegorical introduction on their leitmotivs. In the set Olinda/ Brazil – Praia/Cape Verde: Doors and Windows, the photos taken in Cidade Alta (Olinda) and Plateau (Praia), are freely paired, aiming to offer an overview of similarities and differences of époques, styles, building and decorative materials and elements, of the architectural heritage of these sites. The texts related to each photo, besides indicating clues of these similarities and differences, also metaphorically signalize the present state (problems and efforts) of the preservation and conservation of these heritages. The two other sets of photos – Olinda -Só-Olinda and Praia-Visões – are personal impressions/visions of elements of these sites, which are presented as delicate mandalas, hidden under the surface of the first sights of the urban landscape of Olinda and Praia.

Author Biography

Enno D. Liedke Filho, Universidade de Cabo Verde





Dossiê: Brasil - Cabo Verde