Participatory decentralization: between the borders of civil society and political society




Participatory democracy; political parties, public policies


This article analyzes the interrelationships between a mass party, with intense voluntary participation of activists - the Uruguayan Broad Front - and the participatory institutions of the city of Montevideo, the Neighborhood Councils (CVs). Which, in the Uruguayan capital, in the 1990s, were new channels of democratic participation. Elected by local residents, the CVs are intended to be channels for neighbourhood demands, participate in budget preparation and define public investment priorities. Many of the new citizens participating in the CVs are linked to the FA, they participate weekly in the neighborhoods in Party Base Committees, forming close networks of interconnections between civil society and political society. From the permeable political and social borders, and the particularities of the Uruguayan political system, the dynamics established between the FA and the new Participatory Institutions of civil society are problematized. For these analytical purposes, we used secondary sources and primary sources, interviews carried out in the city of Montevideo with counsellors of Participatory Decentralization.

Author Biographies

Alejandro Lezcano Schwarzkopf, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Possui doutorado (2015) em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e mestrado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2008). Integra o corpo de docentes do Colégio Politécnico da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Tem experiência de pesquisa em sociológica política, com ênfase nos temas da cidadania, instituições participativas e sociedade civil.

Alessandra Alfaro Bastos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Possui graduação em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2009), graduação em Programa Especial de Formação de Professores pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2013) e mestrado em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2012). Atualmente é doutoranda em educação pela UFRGS.


2023-12-13 — Updated on 2023-12-15



