Critical theory, visual culture and emancipation: an interdisciplinary analysis of photography in global society


  • Marcos Abraão Fernandes Ribeiro Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darci Ribeiro - Uenf



photography, social memory, critical theory, emancipation


This review analyzes the book Aesthetic enjoyment in visual culture: photography, memory and social alienation. by sociologist Sergio Luiz Pereira da Silva, who proposes an interdisciplinary analysis on photography. In this way, the book seeks to point out the mechanisms of contemporary domination and to propose ways of overcoming that domination. The book represents a great contribution to the critical analysis of the role of photography, but which could have presented in a systematic way it can be used as an digital activism tool for the transformation of reality in global society.


Author Biography

Marcos Abraão Fernandes Ribeiro, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darci Ribeiro - Uenf

Jornalista, sociólogo, mestre em sociologia política e doutorando em sociologia política pela Uenf. Desenvolve pesquisas sobre pensamento social brasileiro, com ênfase no pensamento de Florestan Fernandes e Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Atuou como professor substituto da Uenf e da UFF. Atualmente é auxiliar de ensino na Uenf.





Book reviews