Promotion of health and social participation: The basic care model of the Brazilian Health System


  • Breno Augusto Fontes
  • Rogério de Lima
  • Jorge Alexandro de Lima



The health reform in Brazil has introduced a number of management mechanisms which incorporate popular participation, and, on the other hand, emphasis on health promotion. In this article we aim to focus on a health practice that involves popular participation, which has been carried out since the introduction of community health programs, at first with HCAP (Health Community Agents Programs), and later with FHP (Family Health Program). Since the intermediation established between the community and the health workers with the community health agents, we analyze this practice as an instrument of territorial and community inclusion within health policies. With an empirical study in four Brazilian cities we have evaluated the adequacy of the referred model to different socio-cultural contexts, as well as the obstacles to the achievement of participatory democracy ideals.

Key words: health, social networks, Family Health Program





Dossiê: ações coletivas, movimentos e redes sociais na contemporaneidade