
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work is original and unpublished and it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else.
  • The manuscript file is in Microsoft Word or RTF.
  • The original text must contain in the following order:

    • Title in the same language of the article, and in English (if the article is in English, title must also be in Portuguese). The titles (on the original language and English) must have a maximun of 240 characters including spaces.;

    • Abstract with no more than 20 lines, followed by at least three key-words;

    • Abstract in English (or in Portuguese, in case the article is written in English), following the same norms of the Abstract in the original language;

    • Full text, typed in Times New Roman format, font 12, and with spacing of 1,5;

    • Images, tables, charts and graphs must include captions in the same language of the article and in English, they must be sent separately in their original files (.jpeg, .png, .tiff), not inserted in the text, with minimal resolution of 300 dpi.

  • The identification of authorship of the work has been removed from the file, ensuring the journal's confidentiality criteria, if the manuscript is subjected to peer review (e.g. articles), according to instructions in Ensuring a Blind Peer Review.
  • Short quotations (containing less than three lines) must be incorporated into the text in quotation marks;

    Long quotations (longer than three lines) must be presented in an isolated paragraph, with simple spacing, font size 11 and the left margin larger than the surrounding text (4cm).
  • Footnotes must be used only when strictly necessary, for information that is complementary to the text.

    Do not use footnotes as a substitute for a reference list.

  • The manuscript is in accordance to the style and bibliographic requirements described in the Author's Guideline section.

  • References

    The list of references must only include works that are cited in the text. Reference list entries must be in alphabetical order according to the last names of the first author of each work.

    References must be typed in Times New Roman (pt 12) and single spacing between lines.

    References must contain the work's complete data according to the journal's rules.



    Journal articles:

    SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Article title. Journal Title, volume(issue):initial page-final page.


    Articles from publications related to events:

    SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. In: name of conference (meeting, symposium, etc.), number of the event, city, year. Proceedings ... City, Symbol. volume:: initial page-final page.



    SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Book title. Edition, city, publisher, the total number of pages.


    Book chapters:

    SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Chapter title. In: Initial(s) Name. SURNAME (ed.), Book title. City, publisher, initial page-final page.


    Thesis and dissertations:

    SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication Title of the thesis. City, state. Type of thesis (MA, PhD). University, the total number of pages.


    Sites and electronic texts:

    • Explicit author:

    • SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Available at: http://. Accessed on: month day, year.

    • Anonymous author:

    • SOURCE/SITE. Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Available at: http://. Accessed on: month day, year.

    Newspapers and magazines, organs and institutions:
    • Explicit author:

    • SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Source (newspaper, organs, institutions, etc.). Session (Column, etc.). City, day month.

    • Anonymous author:

    • SOURCE (newspaper, organs, institutions, etc.). Year of publication. Title of work. City, day month, number page.

Author Guidelines

The journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Ciências Sociais Unisinos has no article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges.

Articles must be original, unpublished, must not be under consideration for publication anywhere else and can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

Ciências Sociais Unisinos publishes articles and book reviews that contribute to the reflection and the interdisciplinary study of Social Sciences.

  • The articles must be written by Doctors or doctoral students;
  • Masters or masters students in co-authorship with their advisors.

The journal does not accept articles written by graduates or undergraduate students unless they are written in co-authorship with a doctor.

The articles must be sent electronically, following the steps of a system that aims to give assistance to the periodicals editing in each phase of the editorial process.

The publication of the article is subjected to the previous approval of the journal's Editorial Board, as well as to peer review made by, at least, two ad hoc reviewers using the double blind review process.

The final acceptance of the article depends on:

  • The recommendation of the reviewers;

  • That the authors carry out the necessary corrections;

  • And final approval by the Editorial Board, which decision will recommend one of the following options:

    1. Accept submission;
    2. Revisions required;
    3. Resubmit for review;
    4. Resubmit elsewhere;
    5. Decline submission;
    6. See comments.


  • The concepts and opinions expressed are the full responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.

  • Submission of the manuscript implies that if and when it is accepted for publication, the authors automatically agree to transfer the copyright to the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.


  • Extension: Articles must have between 15 and 25 pages, with spacing of 1,5, including references. The titles (on the original language and English) must have a maximun of 240 characters including spaces.

  • Images: In case the article contains photographic images and/or graphic drawings, those must be submitted in original format (.jpeg, .png, .tiff) and in separated files (not inserted in the text), with minimal resolution of 300 dpi. Authors must indicate by the insertion of captions (on the original language and in English too) where approximately the pictures should be inserted.

  • Citing authors: in-text citation must follow the norms below:

    1. One author: (Leipnitz, 1987);
    2. Two authors: (Turner and Verhoogen, 1960);
    3. Three or more authors: (Amaral et al., 1966);
    4. Works by the same author(s) and same date should be differentiated by letters (a,b,c) after the date. E.g. (Amaral, 2008a) (Amaral, 2008b);

  • Quotations:

    1. Short quotations (containing less than three lines) must be incorporated into the text in quotation marks.
    2. Long quotations (longer than three lines) must be presented in an isolated paragraph, with simple spacing, font size 11 and the left margin larger than the surrounding text (4cm).

  • Footnotes: Footnotes must be used only when strictly necessary for information that is complementary to the text. Footnotes containing only references are not allowed. These must be listed in the end of article, in the 'References' item.

  • Do not use op. cit; ibid; ibidem; id; idem

  • Do not use apud. Use the term in rather than apud;

The original text must contain in the following order:

  • Title: in the same language of the article, and in English (if the article is in English, title must also be in Portuguese). The titles (on the original language and English) must have a maximun of 240 characters including spaces.;

  • Abstract: in the language of the article and in English with no more than 200 words, followed by at least three key-words (if the article is in English, abstract must also be in Portuguese);.

  • Full text: typed in Times New Roman format, font 12, and with spacing of 1,5.

  • References: The references must be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, font 12, and with simple spacing. References must follow the rules below:

Journal articles:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Article title. Journal Title, volume(issue):initial page-final page.

E.g.: BAJOIT, G. 2004. A economia solidária: um modo de produção alternativo ao capitalismo. Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 40(164):153-173.


Articles from publications related to events:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. In: name of conference (meeting, symposium, etc.), number of the event, city, year. Proceedings ... City, Symbol. volume:initial page-final page.

E.g.: BIONDI, J.C. 1982. Kimberlitos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA, 32, Salvador, 1982. Proceedings ... Salvador, SBG, 2:452-464.



SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Book title. Edition, city, publisher, the total number of pages.

E.g.: SINGER, p. 1999. Globalização e desemprego: diagnósticos e alternativas. São Paulo, Contexto, 144 p.


Book chapters:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Chapter title. In: Initial(s) Name. SURNAME (ed.), Book title. City, publisher, initial page-final page.

E.g.: GAIGER, L. 2003. Empreendimento econômicos solidários. In: A.D. CATTANI (org.), A outra economia. Porto Alegre, Veraz, p. 135-143.


Thesis and dissertations:

SURNAME,Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of the thesis. City, state. Type of thesis (MA, PhD). University, the total number of pages.

E.g.: GOULART, P.M. 2001. O Movimento dos Trabalhadores Desempregados – MTD e suas estratégias contra o desemprego. Porto Alegre, RS. Dissertação de mestrado. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, 205 p.


Sites and electronic texts:

  • In case it is possible to identify the authors of the electronic texts, the reference must be indicated as follows:

  • SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Available at: http://. Accessed on: month day, year.

    E.g.: LENKER, A.; RHODES, N. 2007. Foreign Language Immersion Programs: Features and Trends Over 35 Years. Disponível em: Accessed on: April 28th, 2007.

    * In this case, when in the body of the text, the reference is identified by (Lenker and Rhodes, 2007).

  • If it is not possible to identify the authors of the electronic texts, the reference should be indicated as follows:
  • SOURCE/SITE. Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Available at: http://. Accessed on: month day, year.

    E.g.: GLOBO ONLINE, O. 2006. Brasil será o país com mais sedes do Instituto Cervantes. Disponível em: cultura/mat/2006/10/25/286393283.asp. Accessed on: April 5th, 2008.

    * In the body of the text, the quote will be: (O Globo Online, 2006).

Newspapers and magazines, organs and institutions:

  • All the texts from newspapers and magazines must be included in the references. In case there is an explicit author, the reference is indicated by the surname:

  • SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Source (newspaper, organs, institutions, etc.). Session (Column, etc.). City, day month.

    E.g.: MICELLI, S. 1987. Um intelectual do sentido. Folha de S. Paulo. Caderno Mais! São Paulo, February 7.

    * In the body of the text it is indicated as (Micelli, 1987).

  • In case there is no author and the text is under the responsibility of an organ, the reference is indicated as follows:
  • SOURCE (newspaper, organs, institutions, etc.). Year of publication. Title of work. City, day month, number page.

    E.g.: CORREIO DO POVO. 1945. Os métodos objetivos de verificação que empregamos no RS. Porto Alegre, October 5, p. 14.

    * In the body of the text, it shall be indicated as (Correio do Povo, 1945).

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.